
I was at a school dance yesterday and everyone was dancing to the Cupid Shuffle.  It was near the end of the dance at the part where you kick and I landed weirdly and twisted my ankle.  When I twisted my ankle and fell onto the floor, I could hear gasps from several people who saw me.  I hopped over to the bleachers and my friend told me that I fell pretty hard.  I twisted it around 5:30 because the school dance ended like two minutes after I twisted my ankle and it still hurts!  The way it's "healing," it might still hurt on Monday because my ankle still hurts and my leg started hurting.  I seriously think I almost broke my ankle.


I was at a school dance yesterday and everyone was dancing to the Cupid Shuffle.  It was near the end of the dance at the part where you kick and I landed weirdly and twisted my ankle.  When I twisted my ankle and fell onto the floor, I could hear gasps from several people who saw me.  I hopped over to the bleachers and my friend told me that I fell pretty hard.  I twisted it around 5:30 because the school dance ended like two minutes after I twisted my ankle and it still hurts!  The way it's "healing," it might still hurt on Monday because my ankle still hurts and my leg started hurting.  I seriously think I almost broke my ankle.


This morning at 12:29 my great-aunt died from cancer.  August 3, 1936 - July 31, 2013.  This Saturday would've been her 77th birthday.  She had been married for 62 years to a wonderful man.  Her sister, my grandmother, died from cancer also.  The last words I'll ever hear her say were, "How's school?"  That was just last week.  The last time I'll ever get to see her alive or hear her talk or laugh or ask how my family's doing was July 26 when I went to go visit her.  I'll miss her forever!


I really wanna see all my friends.  When I see my friends from church: very rarely.  When I see my friends in middle school: during school but some of us barely get to talk.  When I see my friends from elementary school:  almost never!  When I see my friend's grandchildren:  almost absolutely never!!!!!  When I see my twin niece and nephew: almost never cuz their mom basically cut herself off from her family.  When I see my 5 year old niece; only when I go to VA.  When I actually hang out with my 3 year old niece without her driving my crazy: almost never!
          I feel like I'm kind of shut in my house except to go to school or my dad's 1st ex-wife, Connie's house.


I feel so sick!! First my friends at school don't feel well, then my cousin, then my niece, then me.  :(  I hope I don't have the flu!!  My dad keeps saying that he'll get a flu shot if I get one, but he can get the flu shot by himself (I don't do shots, uh uh).  Plus it's only 2 days after Christmas,  :'(  I've felt like I'm going to puke since I woke up.  I don't like being sick.
          Anyways, on a much happier note, for Christmas I got a Xbox 360, Xbox 360 Kinect, 2 games for the Xbox, and 2 games for the Kinect.  I've only played WWE '12 and Need for Speed Undercover.  My sister has earned me a lot of cash from doing races, she also got me a free car that would've normally costed $300,000!  Usually I go to my dad's 1st ex-wife's house on the weekends, and she said (if I'm going) that if I'm not going to take the game with me (since they have a xbox), that I should leave the key for her so she can play the game.  I'm still thinking if I should.  She's good at the races but yet she stinks at running away from the cops, I'm good at running away from the cops but yet I stink at races.  She tried to run away from the cops one time, but she got me busted and she cost me money but it's no big deal.  Hopefully she'll want to play it today :)!!  I asked my dad if I'm going to Connie's house (his 1st ex-wife who I mentioned earlier) and said he doesn't know because he hasn't asked anyone.  I asked him if MiMi could watch me and he said I had to ask her. I want her to watch me so that I can monitor her daughter while she plays the game so that I won't have to worry about Lexi taking anything out of my room (plus I want to watch her win races and also help her run away from the cops!!!!
          Okay, that's enough typing now.  (I just felt my head and it feels warm.  It could either be because my hands are cold or because I have a heater on.  I don't know.  Someone help me outta this sickness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)