A Poem- from the heart
I know every one of my friends, not one of my friends know me.
They know what I chose to tell them, but it isn't me.
That person is there ideal friend, someone I created.
There is one person in the world that knows me truly in and out, yet is the one person in my life that I know nothing about.
It kills me a little to know, that this one special person doesn't know how special he is.
When I hear the words I love you being exchanged, my heart breaks just a little more.
Because I know if that special someone says it to me, I cannot return the words.
Because I will never know that person, no matter how hard I try to.
Can you still tell me your jealous?
Can you still tell me my life is perfect?
Can you still tell me I have everything?
No, because now you see that I'm breaking on the inside.
I'm broken, more than any break up has ever broken you.
Because you've had yours, blown it and got over it.
When I will never get the chance.
I might look strong, but remember the one thing I've never lied about,
I'm a great actress...