
Hello, and welcome to Wattpad! ☺️
          Thank you so much for adding  “Mind the Gap” to your reading list! 
          I hope you will enjoy Evan and Iris' adventures ☺️! You will love the book if you are a fan of slow burn peculiar romance in an unusual train setting! 
          If you liked the book, please consider voting on all the chapters by clicking on that little star ⭐️ in the end of each of the 37 chapters!
          Votes help us gain more ranking and visibility, so more Wattpad readers will be able to find our book <3 
          It would also mean a lot to us if you recommended the book to your friends!


Thank you for voting on my story! Hope you are enjoying it! Have a great day and happy reading!


Haha don't feel forced, read it on your own time when you're in the mood, definitely!♡ :)


@TheScribesApprentice Yes, I'll read that one next! :) I'm on a deadline at work, so I mustn't start a new book now because there is no stopping me when I do. :D But I'll read it soon and give you my feedback. :) 


Hello! Thank you so much for voting for my story! Hope you like it and would love to know what you think! I really appreciate your support! Have a great day!
          Cheers, darkblonde1 


@MilicaPavlovic173 hehe, thank you, hope you enjoy!


@darkblonde1 Great! Thanks, I feel better now!  I'll continue reading both. Take care! 


@MilicaPavlovic173 hello! Thank you so much! I’m so glad you enjoyed it and feel free to read whichever one you like first The Lone Dove is Poppy’s POV and A Lone Love is Maximus’ POV but all of the same story! Slightly more scenes are added in Maximus’ POV but, that was just to make the story only slightly different. Either one can be read first! Take care!