
Oh my gosh guys! I'm so sorry for not updating earlier.... It's been a few hectic weeks. I celebrated my 18th birthday, I had a few exams, and I went through surgury last week so it's been weird. But I'm busy writing both Angels and Demons Chapter 6 and The Other side of Love Chapter 15. Hope you guys will like it!!  Keep an eye out, because they'll be here this week since I'm at home.. 
          	Love you all xxx <3


Oh my gosh guys! I'm so sorry for not updating earlier.... It's been a few hectic weeks. I celebrated my 18th birthday, I had a few exams, and I went through surgury last week so it's been weird. But I'm busy writing both Angels and Demons Chapter 6 and The Other side of Love Chapter 15. Hope you guys will like it!!  Keep an eye out, because they'll be here this week since I'm at home.. 
          Love you all xxx <3


Heey Everyone!
          So I decided to post my story called Angels & Demons.
          It's a Supernatural fan fic so if you like Sam, Dean, Cas, Crowley, Kevin or any of the characters, please read it! And I hope you enjoy it!!
          I will be updating the Other side of Love somewhere this week! And I'm going to post a few one shots on my other page @LirryStayne1DLM So take a look over there.
          Well have a good day and thank you for your attention!