I'm suddenly alive cuz I finished watching The Umbrella Academy Season 3 yesterday after it was released and OMG GUYS, I HAVE SO MANY THINGS TO SAY ABOUT IT. If any of you have watched it too and wanna talk about it, I'm right here. So, here's what I wanna say WITHOUT spoilers ofc:
1. More Ben screentime? HELL YES. I miss Brelly Ben though, I need more sweet Ben screentime but whatever, I'll take whatever they give us, I love him anyway. I don't care if Sparrow Ben is an a-hole, that's fine, we love him in every timeline ;) (I know I do)
2. I LOVE SLOANE BYE. She's definitely my favorite Sparrow. The number fives are so iconic, I love them both (Sloane and Five). She SLAYED and the moment I saw her, I knew she would be my favorite Sparrow.
(I also kinda like Marcus since he's a good leader and he's really the only one who wanted to hear out whatever Viktor wanted to say. I think Fei is also really great, her powers are so useful. Plus, her style?! Damn gurl, I like that style. She's fashionable, what can I say more?)
3. Luther this season was great. I literally hated him in Season 1 and 2 like we all do but Season 3 Luther? He's awesome. The character development is there and he wasn't annoying or anything this season. I like him this season cuz of that.
4. I had mixed feelings about Lila in Season 2 but this season made me really like her. And that's probably because we see more of her actual personality and feelings this season and she's grown on me cuz of the fact. Also, very iconic, really.