Walking gay panic....and a major simp....what's gucci with u?
  • Hiding in your room watching your anime
  • Дата регистрацииMarch 11, 2015

Последнее сообщение
LillyWallker15 LillyWallker15 Feb 04, 2021 05:28PM
Fell asleep in math class- lovin’ school so much ✌️
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Истории от God of simps
Bish got tagged  от LillyWallker15
Bish got tagged
I hate life
Me complaining about absolute random, non-important stuff :D  от LillyWallker15
Me complaining about absolute rand...
Come listen to me complain about literally things not even important. This ranges from video games to anime t...
(Trash) Art book от LillyWallker15
(Trash) Art book
Heads up( to probably no one) most of these drawings aren't even colored, or good ( mai art is trash like me)...
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