
You have been chosen to be showered by love ILY❤️
          Send this to anyone's wall who deserves love.
          If you get
          1 back, you are lovable
          3 back, you are popular
          5 back, you are the most lovable person on the planet
          9 back, I'm jealous
          Don't break the chain or you'll break someone's heart


I love you


@Bish_Puhleez_17 ahh, lol that sounds like something I would do


this message may be offensive
@The_LillyAmbrose  LMFAO I was just going through the profiles of my kinda-sorta-og online friends (og wouldn't be the right word but whatevs) and i was like "OMG LILT I FORGOT THAT YOU EXISTED! AND I THOUGHT THAT IT WOULD KILL ME BU-" anyway so i was like it's been a long time what should I post here and my dumbass mind decided to write this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


@Bish_Puhleez_17 yea....that's random