
I'm working on a new book!!! The others are boring me an this one is slightly more personal so I'm gonna stick to it but I'm not gonna post it up here yet. I do, however, need a hand, it's set in space and its about the bond between sisters, what categories should I put it in?! I really like it and I'm trying to wright a bit every day so i promise to write more and ill post it up weekly one I've written most of it so that you don't have to wait aaaaages, Kay bai now x


I'm working on a new book!!! The others are boring me an this one is slightly more personal so I'm gonna stick to it but I'm not gonna post it up here yet. I do, however, need a hand, it's set in space and its about the bond between sisters, what categories should I put it in?! I really like it and I'm trying to wright a bit every day so i promise to write more and ill post it up weekly one I've written most of it so that you don't have to wait aaaaages, Kay bai now x


♥ ♥ ♥ Post ♥ this ♥ on ♥ anyone's ♥ profile ♥ who ♥ made ♥ you ♥ smile ♥ somewhere, ♥ sometime ♥ in ♥ your ♥ life ♥ it ♥ may ♥ surprise ♥ you, ♥ but ♥ check ♥ out ♥ how ♥ many ♥ will ♥ send ♥ you ♥ one ♥ back, ♥ thanks ♥ for ♥ making ♥ me ♥ smile. ♥ ♥ ♥