
Ppl say their books get deleted but I never thought mine would!!!! Ugg If u didn't like the content u didn't have to read it or u could have just asked me to change it like UGGGGGGGGGG!!! New book it is then. Anyway SCHOOLS OVER FOR ME!!! PROM ON THE 17th GRADUATION ON THE 21st COLLEGE HERE I COME!!!!!


Ppl say their books get deleted but I never thought mine would!!!! Ugg If u didn't like the content u didn't have to read it or u could have just asked me to change it like UGGGGGGGGGG!!! New book it is then. Anyway SCHOOLS OVER FOR ME!!! PROM ON THE 17th GRADUATION ON THE 21st COLLEGE HERE I COME!!!!!


If anybody has or knows of any books about male escape lab experiments falling in love with regular girls TELL ME, SEND ME THE LINK OR SOMETHING. Top 3 people get a shout out and a feature in a chapter in my books   Gracias mi amors