
          	Ask any character or your choice of Genshin impact and you’ll get an answer from said character!!
          	Like if you ask Abyss Lumine or Abyss Aether they will answer or if you ask Traveler or so on and so on characters. 


Me as b/n looking at Hayley y/n and I god mother type in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers making Connor Kira Ethan looking at me shock what y/n and I parents were the red and pink ranger so is our rest of our family how do you think we are raised by the legend oh uncle Zack you and auntie trini should stay y/n and I hears stories about you two uncle tommy and auntie Katherine flirting each other so uncle Tommy oh no not alpha


          Ask any character or your choice of Genshin impact and you’ll get an answer from said character!!
          Like if you ask Abyss Lumine or Abyss Aether they will answer or if you ask Traveler or so on and so on characters. 


Me looking at Mike for instance take out 5 dollars because I need 5 dollars second take Emily to the dark scary alley making Mike said right she knows I’m brave no you comfort her  second put your jacket on her she gets cold making Mike take notes you have 5 for this 5 making Mike take out another 5 dollar perfect cause my 5 was lonely while y/n and Jayden Antonio Kevin Mia laughed


Hey guys I know it’s been a long time. But I’m thinking of quitting Wattpad. I mean just writing. I will still keep the stories up for those who want to read. I don’t know for sure yet if I want to quit. I have just been so busy on Archive of our own. That’s all I wanted to say. Have a good day everyone 


I was wondering if you were going to do a Chad charming descendants 3 book


@CaitlinNall480 , Thanks for understanding. Sometimes some of the readers that reads my stories don’t get it that it takes time and that kinda puts me off when they ask normal questions like when are you going to update or are you going to update soon. I don’t blame them for asking. But it does annoy me at times. 


@CaitlinNall480, I will once I get back into Wattpad. I have been on blockers writing on Wattpad. Am I actually on Archive of our own. My stories are mostly anime and others too. But when I do get back into Wattpad. I  will do a third Chad charming story. 


Me snatching the bag from mike  saying dehydrated power nuts while i looking at mike not dehydrated power nuts trying to hit mike with a bag filled with dehydrated power nuts instead hitting kevin with dehydrated power nuts making him said dude ok while me and Kevin fighting over the dehydrated power nuts give me no while Y/n jayden Antonio mia emily  trying to break kevin and i fight while mia said can you one second stop fighting with kevin also you can't sneek earth food me looking at mia well what else I'm opose to eat i can't eat Antonio here look at him 


Hey @LilyEstes how are you I really love your stories. Also I have a question I was wondering if you happen to still be writing your chat noir and Spider-Man books. As it’s been awhile since they were last updated and I would love to read more 


@canderloro , Yeah. I had to change my ao3 one to a different one when I was finally able to get ao3. It’s Princess_Love13. 


@LilyEstes I don’t think I have also is your ao3 username the same as your wattpad one


@canderloro , No problem. I will get to it eventually. I still have to finish the Itona one. I don’t know if you read that one or not. But I’ll leave a hint. Emma wasn’t the only one who died 