
Wonder what he’s up to right now. Never heard anything from him again :(((


Secret admirer 


@LilyLisaa_ ermmm siapa babe? 


Xmas is just around the corner.
          I’m hella excited. Let me share one of my fav xmas-experience.
          My own brought me a lot of pleasure.
          I was always attracted to my tcher.
          At our year end party both of us were talking and having a drink together.
          Until he said he wanted to show me the place better.
          I followed him until we ended up in a dark room at the end of a corridor. He asked me to follow him and suddenly he was kissing me and pushed me onto a bed. One thing lead to another and we made out having sex twice in the space of less than an hour.
          He is not only a sexy man he is a sex machine with a lovely impressive large penis that doesn’t  seem to ever get tired.
          It was fanfuckingtastic. Rinduuuuu 


**Random thoughts**
          Few things that makes me horn* on the level = infinity ♾ 
          Cracking nerdy jokes about Star wars and Harry Potter with my wolf.
          Watching him do bench presses.
          Watching the muscles on his back ripple as he changes clothes.
          Feeling him run the tip of a knife down my arm while he whispers in my ear all the things he wants to do to me later.
          Spending whole day knowing there will be a flogging at the end of it.
          Having my panties cut off. Better yet, ripped off with one yank.
          Smelling his scent on the pillows. Especially after the heavy workout. Men sweat + cologne =heaven on earth 
          Being pinned down on the bed and bitten on the neck.
          About a hundred more very specific things that won't help you at all.


Leleeeehhh Kena Locktober Wei!!


I memang suka kucing jantan mengAUMM AUMM giteww... seksiii 


I Loike It A Looooot


I’ve seen many girls out there had been struggling with their appearances.Even starts to compare themselves with those models on the runway.
          Those models work their butts off by working out and maintaining an extreme diet. Yes they have good genes as in looks or height but definitely not their body. They work for it. 
          Also their message is not to shame you but to in a way inspire that if you are a little on the heavy side that you could work hard to be like them and feel confident. So you can feel confident in your body too. You can not shame these women just because you feel insecure,that's not fair. 
          Also because your at home doing nothing and not as fit as these women or successfull just makes your opinion even less. These women are beautiful and that's their JOB. THEIR JOB IS TO BE FIT AND PRETTY. Stop hating these women because you may hate yourself. This show is about modeling outfits and if you take "oh they hate my body" out of it really shows how poorly you think of yourself. Love yourself and appreciate these women, they work hard.
          Always appreciate with the things that you have been given.Own it and Rock it.These little imperfections makes us humans.❤️


this message may be offensive
I’d do anything to belong in Newcastle again. It was a lovely couple days because the weather was outstanding.Not to forget the nights out there,was Fan-fucking-tastic! It’s kinda SUCKS that the thought of I can’t be there again anytime soon :( 
          Thanks brother ! Hoping you will feel satisfied with everything you do to achieve your goals !
          Stay safe.