I know this isn’t the announcement you have been waiting to hear from me. It annoys me it has come to this.
There is a site that is stealing writers’ work from Wattpad and sharing it for the world to read. Which in theory may sound like a good thing, but when all is said I done, I add my work to reputable sites that I choose and this is nothing more than stealing. I love to write. I love to share my stories with you. But it won’t be on Wattpad anymore when their inability to protect our work is a major issue, and it leaves us with no other choice but to take our work off platforms altogether or move them to sites that will help and assist when issues arise.
I think you can work out where this is going. Sadly, all my stories will be removed from Wattpad as of today. If you have loved my stories or just added them to your reading list, they are all on Inkitt to read at Lily Rose Stories. If you want to see what is in store for me in the future, please follow me on Instagram at lily_rose_stories.
Thank you for your continued support over the last couple of years. I love my readers. You guys have kept me going in dark times. I am so sorry that this decision will affect you. It hasn’t been a simple decision, but I have poured my heart and tears into my work for hours upon hours for a site to make it easy for someone to plagiarise.
Sorry for letting you down,
Lily Rose Stories