
Hello everybody. Unfortunately this isn't LilySnowfal, instead this is her boyfriend. Her real name was Wiktoria, and it brings me great sorrow to announced that yesterday November 16th at the age of 17 she passed away. I figured I would let everybody know so that they understand when uploads stop. Now don't worry, for you guys I will do my best and attempt to upload all of the stories and chapters that she already had written down. She loved each and every one of you so she'd like her final works to be read by her fans. Thank you.


@silverthornes Thank you.  It means a lot knowing people liked her work.  She loved writing.


@LilySnowfal I think she was, and I'm sure all those followers think so too


Hello everybody. Unfortunately this isn't LilySnowfal, instead this is her boyfriend. Her real name was Wiktoria, and it brings me great sorrow to announced that yesterday November 16th at the age of 17 she passed away. I figured I would let everybody know so that they understand when uploads stop. Now don't worry, for you guys I will do my best and attempt to upload all of the stories and chapters that she already had written down. She loved each and every one of you so she'd like her final works to be read by her fans. Thank you.


@silverthornes Thank you.  It means a lot knowing people liked her work.  She loved writing.


@LilySnowfal I think she was, and I'm sure all those followers think so too


Hello everyone! I just wanted to update you on what's happening. So curantly I'm work on a book. An actual book that I want published. This is a big step in my future and I hope you'll all understand if I'm a bit busy and maybe support me on my journey. Thank you for understanding and I'll see you in the next update. Oh! And thank you for the support. I could have never got this far without you. ~♡  


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Hello~ so do to school starting and me working on things Wolves Night will be up this Sunday, the 20th. Sorry... 
          But also update info! A new chapter of Porn~UsUk will be uploaded September 1st. Annd a new 'story' JoJo Porn~3 Ships (cuz why the fuck not?) will be coming out on the same day. 
          For more update information go and see the 'about me' page. That's where I'll post updates on upcoming chapters, stories, or small updates. 
          Thank you ~♡ 


So I have a favor to ask... I'm thinking of some changes for my writing and I need you to give me your opinions on them. First is with the future stories, I have a few original ideas for them but I also want to make some stories based off of animes. For example I'll use plot and ideas from an anime but I'll put in Hetalia characters. How does that sound? I like the idea but I'm not 100% on it. Second is I started watching JoJo's Bezare Adventure and I like it a lot. I would like to um, expand, my platform and write more then usuk. But like with the other thing I'm not 100% sure on it. So I would like to write(or start to) write stories (and porn) about JoJo and even Voltron. So... Please help. 


@LilySnowfal I see why not? Besides I bet anything tou write (Especially the porn) will be good. Also voltron or hetalia sounds good to me snd fo your best


@LilySnowfal I think those are good ideas