
@Lily_And_Ash @MarcelStyles11 yep(: and OMG twenty more minutes unti my death!


You guys are so awesome and perfect and beautiful! You are my idols and I love you so much!!! Yep so I just want to say that I'm totes jelly if ur faces because ur perff! I think that I'm in love with you and all your little things but not in a creepy way haha! I think that your fanfics should be more famous than dark, psychotic, and after all put together cuz ur PER-FECT yep pretty much  and thanks so much for following me I feel like I've accomplished all my life goals because of you! If you haven't realized who this is whoever is reading this you aren't very smart. If you have congratulations so the end!


Oh my gosh! Ur totes fab too! Love you gorgeous(: ~Ash x