
Hey guys!!! Coming out with a New Harry Potter book!!! The next ones!!! Look out for it!!!


Omg guys, you are incredible. 3k readers! This is amazing. I’m in a state of shock.
          To keep you guys updated is that I have been given an apprenticeship at my weekend job and I’m excited, don’t worry, the book will be updated.
          So thanks again guys for your support. 


Hiya guys, just to keep you guys in the loop, while at work on Monday I got my face kicked in by a horse, yesterday I was confirmed that I have concussion and can only use/ concentrate on things for 20 minutes.
          So I won’t be updating as much as I physically can’t. I hope you guys understand and I’ll let you know when I’m better. 
          Thanks for understanding 
          Lily xxx


I hope you okay now, get some rest 


Hey all my fan! I’m so glad you are all enjoying my books, we have 2k on Bellatrix’s Daughter and I’m am so stoked about it. I have put the book in the watty awards and I’m hoping that we do well. So this is a huge thank you to all of you, for all your support, because without you guys I won’t be writing.


            Omg I’m so proud of you 


Hello to all my fans.
          Love you guys so much and I’m really glad you are enjoying my HP books.
          If you guys want to see more Death eaters children leave a comment in one of my updates and I’ll try and reply.
          Love you guys 
          Lily_luna_2017 xxx