
Check out my new Hamilton a Roleplay book!


Ok everyone! I'm still figuring out a chapter for Watching It Burn Away. The next cheater is most likely going to be about Peggy. She's always forgotten and I feel bad. And I'm about to finish the next cheater for my genderbend story! ITS SO CLOSE TO DONEEE! I just haven't gotten the time to finish. It shall be finshed after my exams which are done by Tuesday. If it's not up, yell at me or not update my favorite story's. And for the collab story, it's done. I'm not allowed to be friends with the collaborater anymore due to trust issues, and problems. I'll be sure to write it's completed soon. Thanks for reading!


Ok. I'm so sorry I haven't gotten up Satisfied! I've been really busy! Anyways here are some updates on the stories!
          FSL: I'm not sure if me and the other person will be doing it anymore due to problems and my parents not wanting me to be friends with her cause of private problems
          Hamilton Genderbend: Will get it updated soon! Over the weekend I hope a few songs will be up!
          WIBA: I'm not sure. I need some ideas so give me some! I feel like I need to make the chapters longer but I'm not sure what to do for it since it just left off at Eliza seeing George. 
          But there are the updates and details! I hope to get my genderbend story updated this weekend and FSL, WIBA updated soon!