
I just posted the next chapter of Lily and James I hope you enjoy it and please comment because it really helps to get me writing xxx Limes4ever


i just posted the next chapter of 19 years later so please check it out. I'm going to start the next chapter straight away and try to finish and post it as soon as possible. Thank you to all the comments they really help to get me writing xxx limes4ever


OK, I've decided to switch my stories so that Lily and James is no longer on hold but During the Nineteen Years Later is because I have terrible writer's block for During the Nineteen Years Later but not Lily and James. If you have been reading only one of the stories please check out the other one.


I'm very  very very sorry to say that my lily and james potter story is on hold because I'm strugglying to find time to write one story let alone two so I will continue it when I have finished my nineteen years later story as that one is more popular
          sorry again 
          GinnyWeasley xxx