Suka baca historical novel?
Mampir ya:)

Ada banyak historical novel (bahasa Indonesia) yang sudah selesai di account ini.

My stories aren't the best in Wattpad. Thanks for reading them:)

And special thanks for everyone who added my books in reading list. Thank you:)

Love yourself.
Sounds corny, right?
Why many folks abused bodies with alcohol and drugs?

If you failed, forgive yourself.
If you failed to reach your dream, move on. A human has thousands of dreams in a lifetime.

Don't dwell in the past.
It would only lead to depression.

If you feel blue or sad...
You are just a human like everyone else. Love and respect yourself. Only you could cherish yourself. Don't depend to others for love.

You are your own best friend.
Live to the fullest.
You only live once.
If you failed again, cry and try again tomorrow.
The future you depends on the actions you took in the present.
  • RegistriertNovember 13, 2017

Letzte Nachricht
LimhannyDong LimhannyDong Sep 26, 2018 10:13AM
Jangan ragu2 untuk komentar. Selalu senang menunggu komentar pembaca. Artinya dibaca:)Biar novelnya bisa diperbaiki lagi. Terima kasih:)
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