@eternalshadow ahahah!!! XDD I don't mind if you visit randomly~ XD Come anytime! ahahha! I liked you the minute I saw 4Minute on your thread... XD I was like "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG asfsjdhfjks;lkjahdlskhjl!!!!! Kpoppppeerrrrrr <3 ~" XD
@eternalshadow ahahah!!! XDD I don't mind if you visit randomly~ XD Come anytime! ahahha! I liked you the minute I saw 4Minute on your thread... XD I was like "OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG asfsjdhfjks;lkjahdlskhjl!!!!! Kpoppppeerrrrrr <3 ~" XD
--sorry for visiting randomly--
I read your profile andd~ ohmygosh!! You're a b2uty *0* ohgoshohgoshohgosh!! <3 my feels and melody <3 now I seriously like you XD