
Hello!! I have been wondering whether you are going to continue the story on Shen Jius twin. I’ve been looking forward to it for a while now :D


@Luolaw1 I don't know yet I've been really busy lately and I've been having a hard time getting around my stories. It'll take a while before things calm down on my end. I'll try to update it as soon as it does though


Hi there!! I was wondering when you could update the son of jin guanshan??? I really love that story so much... 
          Hope you are okay. 


@bng4032 Hi thank you so much for liking this fanfic but, to be honest, I kind of lost the motivation to write this fanfic after being made fun of in ao3. I've been considering whether I should or should not orphan this fanfic. It really would be a shame to let it end and if I could I would love to write it. But I've lost almost all confidence in my writing abilities for this fanfic. If anyone is willing to pick this fanfic then I would be happy to give it to them


Will you post intertwining path I read your book it was really good 


That’s fine take your time 


@AerialHanno2  Thank you very much for the compliment. But to be honest I don't know at what frequency I'll be able to post this story since I'm also writing two different fanfiction at the same time. I'll probably be able to post this once a month. I'm not really sure to be honest. But I will definitely finish this fanfiction.