
Hi Lindsey!
          Just thought I'd come say hi and thank you so much for following me! And for voting on PROJECT GEMINI and adding it to your reading list too! It means a lot, so I thank you dearly for that. I really do hope you're enjoying it, let me know on the book what you think.
          I also spotted how new you are to the site, so let me be the first to say welcome to Wattpad! You'll find we're an incredibly friendly bunch here and full of community spirit, so if you ever need a hand just shout out to the community. I've complied a few links that should help you get going on this site, they're incredibly useful.
          https://www.wattpad.com/club/30-multimedia-designs (This is where you can find a cover designer to create you a catchy book cover.)
          https://www.wattpad.com/club/42-the-cafe (This is where you can chat generally with other Wattpadders.)
          Hopefully this will give you a kick-start, feel free to message me if you have anymore questions!
          Happy Wattpadding!
          Best wishes,
          -E.C.Cooledge :) x


@EmilyCharlotteCooledge thank you again ahah and ya i deff can except the critique and know it can be harsh i can handle that just not the mean stuff she put in she went way too far on a question i had and was already handled by you and she was a bit of a bully about it all and should have not said anything at all . but im glad i met you on here so i do feel better and my husband said the girl was just being a jerk after he read the comments . but i do need alot of work on it but it is a start ahahah and a idea of what i want to write about and hes helping me edit it all so im in good hands now hahaah and i will read your book as soon as i can been pretty crazy for me.


@Lindsey920 It's good that you started to fix your book, that's always a great place to start. Not everyone here will engage with you and get to know you before they critique, which means that most users here judge everyone on a level playing field -- holding back very little, so to speak. I critique a younger writer the same as I critique an older one, same with I critique a first language speaker the same as a bilingual writer. I don't believe in sugar-coating when I critique, so I always warn of people before hand. But I can agree that if you didn't ask for it then the critic probably shouldn't have commented.


@Lindsey920 Ah, well it depends, if she gave you a critique for the purpose of highlighting your flaws so that you can improve -- then I can see why she did it. But, you need to think about if you're ready for a critique, if you're not ready for a critique (there's no shame in that) then you should indicate so on your work. The feedback and comments on this site are moderated and really quite mellow compared to the responses you'll receive on a more serious site. Writing is one of those games where you have to have a thick skin, sadly. 
            If I could see the critique then I could help you out more.