Hi, It's been a while. I know that some of you might still be wondering if I still plan to continue my stories uploaded here. Honestly, I already don't have the desire that I once had to finish these stories. I'm sorry if I have disappointed you. I just want to let you know, so that you won't even have an ounce of expectation that these stories will get done. That doesn't mean that I'm going to stop writing indefinitely. I still have ideas in my head that I might pursue and, this time, finish, but that is up to chance giving me a luxury to do so. That said, I'm going to start fresh which includes deleting all of my published stories in this account. I understand if you want to unfollow me because of this. I have already made up my mind. There are certainly going to be changes around here. I hope that for those who still wants to stay, you will be extra patient on what's to come. While there are more to this, this is all I have to say. Again, I'm sorry, and thank you for the support you all have shown me through all this time. This is it. Be ready for the new Lindy Gale.

@LindyGale perdon, mi ingles no es perfecto, estoy utilizando el traductor. pero de verdad no podrias volver a publicar los fanfic de chiba y hayami, fue una excelente trilogia, fue el mejor fanfic que lei en mi vida. Por favor vuelve a republicar la fanfic historia que ya tenías escrita antes, era perfecta, la leia todos los dias.

@LindyGale Sorry, my English is not perfect, I am using the translator. but you really couldn't republish Chiba and Hayami's fanfic, it was an excellent trilogy, it was the best fanfic I ever read. Please republish the fanfic story you already had written before, it was perfect, I read it every day.