Hi! I don't think there is much you would be interested to know about me, but I'll give you some informations. I'm a Directioner, Larry shipper, I cry in romantic movies (such as 'The Fault In Our Stars'. I mean, who wouldn't?) and I have tough times. But I don't really like to complain, so the way I found out of my own reality is by writing. I'll write mostly about Larry, sometimes Niam. But I'm working on a very, very, very long story. Like, sort of a mini-book. It has nothing to do with the boys. It's a story of my own imagination. It is supposed to represent something really difficult: death. But it's proving itself to be harder than I expected it to. Lack of time or inspiration, or even the difficulty of expressing what's on my mind have been my main obstacles. But maybe I'll post it here. Like one chapter now and than. Between some one shots or short fanfictions about our boys. But some feedback would be awesome! :) So thank you very much if you are a follower or regular reader! <3 I love you all! <3 .x