
So now that I have finished spamming my best friend- about the last minutes of Unus Annus- who is asleep like a sane person... I'm going to start working on a sanders sides oneshot based off of the game theory video about unus annus because I had an idea of how to twist it just slightly and make something I find fascinating.


@Linlinlingling that's actually a really good idea, my brother made me watch the last minute of Unus Annus and I don't regret it.


So now that I have finished spamming my best friend- about the last minutes of Unus Annus- who is asleep like a sane person... I'm going to start working on a sanders sides oneshot based off of the game theory video about unus annus because I had an idea of how to twist it just slightly and make something I find fascinating.


@Linlinlingling that's actually a really good idea, my brother made me watch the last minute of Unus Annus and I don't regret it.


Hey, just want to say
          Thanks for voting on my oneshots. Hope you've been enjoying them!


@Linlinlingling aw, thanks so much! ❤️


@-KingDonnie- of course! I quite enjoy them! You have some really interesting fic ideas! 


My next oneshot is going to be a minimum of 2500 words, I promise.
          It's also going to be a fast-paced, multi-ship fic.
          The only reason it's going to be fast-paced though is because I decided it would be a oneshot instead of a full length fic, so... it should be up in the next day or two!


So I started knitting a scarf a while back. I've used 7oz of yarn and it's currently almost 6 feet long. I have 7oz more that I can use. Guess who is making a nearly 12 foot long passion project of a green scarf for no reason other than they can? This guy!


Quick story from my retail job! *I am only posting this here so if you see it elsewhere, that is NOT me!!*
          I had a customer come in today the tried coming at me (verbally, of course) about one of the policies we have at this time thanks to the current situation.
          Specifically the fact that we're not allowed to touch any bags or boxes that come into the store. Her response to my request that she remove the items from the bag (asked politely)- she was quite freakin' sarcastic, might I add- was "Oh, but your allowed to wear /those/ gloves and use them for every customer."
          My response? (Yes. With a single eyebrow raise because, bish, do you think i get paid enough for people to rail on me? They already moved me from the department I was scheduled in to the service desk and that /alone/ makes me wish for the sweet release of death.) 
          "You see this 1 liter container of handsanitizer? And remember the fact that i told you that you had to wait before coming up when you started coming over? Not only do I sanitize my /entire/ station before the next customer, I use the strongest handsanitizer corporate can afford on these gloves between /every/ transaction. That's why I have a liter on my side and you have a 16 ounce container on your side. That [16 oz] bottle will last a week, possibly two, easily. This [1 liter] bottle will be lucky to see Friday. So yeah, we have to wear these gloves... *pauses and switches from polite to confused innocence with an added head tilt* Or would you prefer we kill the planet faster...?"
          What I'm trying to say here is, retail work normally isn't fun; but this pandemic? Holy snickerdoodles, do I not care to hear all of these complaints. Like, it isn't insanely difficult to do something to help keep the numbers down. But that's just my opinion, I suppose!


@thisdroid *le gasp* the horror!! lol
            I mean, as someone with a parent that made them go to chickenpox parties as a child (the only 1 of the 4 kids that had to go to those, btw) I feel it's within my right to say... people like that are just crazy. Lol I understand if you have a medical issue though- don't get me wrong- it's just... I don't understand the level of entitlement, y'know? As a good friend keeps telling me, "People be cray." Rofl


But people can’t do things like *wear masks* or *stop going to huge gatherings*! It infringes on their sacred right to.... uh.... infect people