
Hi everyone! You'll notice that Flight and Silence have been updated. If you'd like to receive updates on their status, sign up for my newsletter (link to the website where you can sign up is in my bio) :)


Hey all! It's been a while. I am elbow-keep in revisions for "Flight" right now (you can receive more updates from my monthly newsletters if you subscribe to my website--link in bio). I just posted "mi mañana." Check it out if you're itching to read a short romance poem :)


Flight is finished! Just uploaded the last chapter today. Just a heads up, I will be deleting chapters 1-19 in book 2 (Silence) since those got moved into Flight. And I'll have to rewrite the beginning of Silence, but I'll get to that when time permits. Anyhoo, happy reading!


Hey all! "Flight" (the one marked 'new version') is going to officially replace the original draft titled "The Land of Green and Gold: Flight." This means I will be deleting the old version. Eventually book 2, "Silence," will also be replaced by it's new version, but that won't be for a while yet. I will be deleting the old book 1 at the end of this week, so you have until then to read cringy high school writing if that's your cup of tea :) (Otherwise check out the new version!)


Hi guys! It's been a while. I just added 3 chapters to Freedom Ink, including a satirical piece about quarantine...which I wrote during quarantine. Also, expect there to be several chapters added to the new version of Flight by the end of November. NaNoWriMo's got my creative juices flowing! Anyone else participating?


Hello everyone! It's been a while. Chapter 60 for "Silence" is up. With school starting up soon, I still can't promise any consistency, but don't worry--I'm not going to stop writing. Chapters will continue to be uploaded--it'll just be a bit sporadic. Happy reading!