LegendsOfHimaya here to notify you about a little change! I changed my username to linoon5 because I will be switching to my Dutch community account more often for my own convenience. Which means you will probably hear from me through my @linoon4 account in your comments more often. Feel free to follow me and reach out to me on my Dutch profile, though I will be posting Dutch stories and notifications on this profile only. My English stories and notifications will continue on this profile. Just don't be surprised to see linoon4 responding to you instead of linoon5 ^.^ For your convenience I will change my linoon4 profile picture to this one so you can slowly adjust and still enjoy Einar in this gorgeous dress till Ander en Leo finally kiss!! @RedPetal49

@linoon4 Do you have any Dutch children’s books you recommend? Anything 5th grade and below will probably be fine

@Linoon5 Cool Will follow you there anyway and see how much Dutch i will understand