
Hello! It has been a long while and I would just like to thank people who have told me to get back to updating my story STUCK BETWEEN TWO BOYS. Haha. I needed to be told and kind of scolded about that. So, heads up, I am updating. It'll probably be up by tonight or sometime tomorrow. Hope I don't disappoint! X|


Hello! It has been a long while and I would just like to thank people who have told me to get back to updating my story STUCK BETWEEN TWO BOYS. Haha. I needed to be told and kind of scolded about that. So, heads up, I am updating. It'll probably be up by tonight or sometime tomorrow. Hope I don't disappoint! X|


okay. I know I said I wouldn't post stories until my friends posted hers but this is just about what I've seen (or experience) in life and I just wanted to share. This isn't any of my other stories because my other stories are fiction. so.. :) just enjoy.


by the way, the three stories are about romance but they all kind of have a little adventure in them. two involves dancing and the other is just about.... well, you'll see when i post it. :) but i might change some things. maybe it doesn't have to have dancing. 


i have about three stories in making. none are finished. but even when i do finish them, i won't post them until my friend posts her story. that's why it's understandable if i have no fans yet. i hope whoever's reading this will look forward to it because so far, my friends are. :)