
Please take your time to read the newest update on pacifiers and sippycups. My part isn’t important but the rest of it is so if you see this please go read the update and show Felix some support 


I’m on my second read of “Baby Brain” by @taellipses


Yes!! I love your books, now I’m re reading the chapters of Small Words you published!


@Lion_Leaf i'm glad you enjoyed it so much!! ^.^ xx


I wish I didn’t have to write all the character development and story and crap before the ship starts doing cute things... like I wanna skip straight to it but I CANT!! Also I hate it when I start making cute friend ships in the book which aren’t the ship I was planning on making but I start shipping them and i make myself sad when I make the planned couple a couple... im ranting and I don’t know if this is relatable but like..