not going to lie, my touch with mha is starting to go away, or its just my motivation in general, i get some ideas or plans to write, but its just a feeling that prevents me from writing what i want, i enjoy writing and its a hobby i want to be able to enjoy in my own time while entertaining readers out there, but i just don't feel like writing for something i don't sorta enjoy anymore, i love the ideas i have created for my storys, but i just don't hvae the sort of focus to be able to actually write them, im just moving away from one fandom to different, like AoT and KNY that i want to write for them due to my ideas sparking more for them. i'm sorry if im unable to satisfy you all by doing this, but i'll probably start up writing again in my own time and i'll most likely put my current stories on an another 1000 year hiatus until i decide what to do with them