
Trying to keep you all up to date on upcoming books sucks on Wattpad! 
          	Currently running a vote on Facebook so YOU can chose my next book. Head over to to cast your vote 


I just discovered Checkmate and OMG it is one of the best books I've ever read! I'm trying to find you on Instagram but I can't find you. I'd love to read more of your books. ❤️


And thank you so so much! 


@RaijilliMagaa I'm not sure if that link will work on wattpad. I've just changed all my settings on there so 'Lisa Baillie Author' should get you to my profile- it's the same logo I use on wattpad :) 


Reminder that as of 1st May, my books will no longer be available to read on Wattpad. 
          This includes: 
          * Checkmate 
          * His Lady's Maid
          * Virtually Yours
          They will continue to be available on Inkitt via subscription (and I am looking into other platforms to share on) and on Wattpad, they will be replaced with two free to read short stories.
          For more information please reach out :) 


Hey Everyone.
          I've spent the day asking various people for advice - a lot of which boiled down to 'know your worth'. Which, yes, I should and plan on doing. But I also want to make sure I'm being fair to you guys too.
          On the 1st of May this year I plan on starting a subscription service over on Inkitt. Until then, all my books are available to read in their current state. I am taking a short-ish hiatus until then to get some things set up behind the scenes. 
          Any One-Shots and anthologies I have will be staying free. Any short story less than 15,000 words will be free. The short stories I'm going to offer will either be stand-alone self contained mini reads (around 10 chapter long maybe), or they will be related to a fuller novel of mine that will now only be available with a subscription. 
          As an example, I am halfway through writing a short story about the begging of Erica and Alex's relationship. Any fans of Checkmate will recognise those two names and hopefully feel excited for some new content. Now when I say short, please remember this can be up to 15,000 words, so still a couple hours of reading completely for free. 
          So how do I manage books like Checkmate or His Lady's Maid for example? 
          Unfortunately, they will be going to my subscribers. And anyone who does subscribe will have an exclusive chapter not seen anywhere else. For people who can't afford or don't want to subscribe, I will be releasing my novels as physical books and/or Kindle E-books. These books will also have bonus content to differentiate it from the Inkitt version and will be priced fairly. 
          I understand this might be disappointing to some people. But with the piracy issue and the fact I want to turn this into a living, I have to make these decisions. Hopefully you can understand and continue supporting me. 
          Let me know if you have any questions. Give me your thoughts. 
          Much love, as always, 


Hey loves, 
          I'm so sorry but it's been reported to me that my works have been stolen and published on a pay to read site. 
          Until I can fix this, I don't feel comfortable sharing my books. 
          Hope you understand x 


@LisaBaillieAuthor These thieves are terrible I’m so sorry they’ve attacked another good author.  This has happened to another author I follow . Her work was actually published on KU so her followers mounted a campaign of email writing and the work was eventually removed.


@KayleighDavies0 It's currently still available on Inkitt (they offer a bit more support for plagiarised authors) x 


            I was wondering why the next chapter wouldn't load  
            Thought it was the shitty dorm wifi, was on the verge of committing arson 
            Hope the problem is resolved soon <3 


Hi everyone.
          I'm really sorry if things are all over the place with updates. Unfortunately, my cat is really not very well. I'm almost 90% sure I'm taking him to the vets to be put to sleep.
          Understandably, I'm absolutely devastated. While writing helps me to keep my mind busy, I'm not sure how much focus I'm going to have.
          I may be the most productive I've ever been, or I might not get anything done. 
          I wanted to be as transparent as possible. I will keep you all updated xx