
Hi again ,, 
          	Just a reminder , it's 290 days until 7th Jan 2016 .. 
          	Hopefully I stay alive then ! Lol bye .. 


Hey lisa? I think you've forgotten that you said you'll puplish ur novel at 7th jan 2016? I was upset because it'll be so much time to wait.. And suddenly we're actually on feb 2016 ! The time was faster than anybody thought.


@LisaEskander @LisaEskander sorry i didn't see your reply. 
            It is darling, the wattpad is just an app for people who love to write, no matter if your writing is perfect or not! The most people here are just write to push the boredom away, i bet they're not really into writing, but YOU are talented I remember when you were write in your book, I really liked your written, give urself a chance, bc u deserve it. I hope you'll write again, I'll be here for supporting you ❤️


I'm sorry sweetheart I thought nobody cares anymore I wasn't feeling good about my writings anymore , I think wattpad isn't a place for beginners anymore there's a lot more novels that are better than mine .. Thanks for caring I appreciate that dear ! 


Hi Guys .. 
          So I promised to come back but it seems it won't be soon bc I'm working hard on my novel and trying to make it as good as I want it to be so inshallah I'll publish it at the 7th of January 2016
          if I stayed alive then lol  .. 
          I know it's such a long time but I promise it'll worth it ! 
          Just wanted to tell how excited I am 
          Have a good day y'll .. See you soon ..


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Hi guys ! ..
          Sorry to delete the book I just need a while to start again 
          I felt so down and felt like it's all a bullshit 
          I got some hate when I was feeling down so I just deleted everything including my other novels that I didn't publish them yet 
          I'm not a really good writer but I'll try cuz I actually don't mind to wright things that no one will see or care about but me ! 
          I promise I'll show up soon when I finish my new novel hopefully I don't delete it as I did with millions before 
          Love u guys so much and massive massive thank you for everything .. 


هاي برينسس ، شوفي روايتي اذا ممكن ، لا تخافي م فيها طاحوا على بعض و حب من التشابتر الأول....... فوت و كومنت اذا عجبتك!! لوفيو