
DON'T PANIC! Yes, I unpublished WINGING IT, but I am putting it up on Amazon. Since I appreciate you all so very much, if you want to request a free e-copy as one of my first, and dearest, readers (which includes a sneak peek at chapter one of book 2) just message or email me! Offer good to those who follow me on Wattpad or have WINGING IT on their read list and didn't get a chance to finish.


I know it’s been a year since you put this up but I have only just seen that winging it is no longer on here I really wanted to do a reread is this offer still available 


DON'T PANIC! Yes, I unpublished WINGING IT, but I am putting it up on Amazon. Since I appreciate you all so very much, if you want to request a free e-copy as one of my first, and dearest, readers (which includes a sneak peek at chapter one of book 2) just message or email me! Offer good to those who follow me on Wattpad or have WINGING IT on their read list and didn't get a chance to finish.


I know it’s been a year since you put this up but I have only just seen that winging it is no longer on here I really wanted to do a reread is this offer still available 


Guess what I'm going to be publishing in a couple of months? WINGING IT! And that guarantees a sequel is coming. In fact, I think I will include a sneak peek at the first chapter of the sequel at the end. 
          I'm asking that any of you that wouldn't mind posting a review for me, I would be forever grateful! Amazon is the most important place of course, but since it's not up yet, Goodreads would be a great start. :D 
          I'm thinking of putting a sneak peek of chapter one of book two at the end of the published version. Interested? 
          Thank you all so much for your support and for being so very patient. Here's a link to Goodreads for those of you that can spare a minute for a review...


Are you really going to make a sequel to Winging It? It has been one of my favorites on Wattpad for a while and I'm sure everyone would love a second book


@Genuine_Muse oh It's fine! I'm sure everyone knows how hard you work, I just wanted to know if we're having a sequel. I'm looking forward to it. Thank you 


@Genuine_Muse Thank you! Yes. I really do mean to. I apologize for not being better about it. I'm sure you guys understand that I have to prioritize the ones that are making me even a little money! :D I do love Winging It though and I have actually started a second book. I just need to find time to devote to it. I appreciate all your patience. The comments and votes really mean a lot to me.


Greetings, everyone!
          I know it's been a long time and I apologize. But I have news. :D I am going to be self-publishing some new books and I could really use your help!! SO here's my offer: I will send a FREE ebook of the first book in my new series FLAME AND FURY Merlin's Legacy Book 1 in exchange for an honest review. Sound good? If so just message/email me! Warning though - it is going to be marketed as NA, though it straddles the line between that and YA, so it is a bit darker and edgier, hopefully still with good humor and action though. :D


@annlineberger May I have your email? I'll send you an Electronic Advanced Reader Copy! :D