
My New Book is Out....Read it Now...Its Ongoing...


Hope you don't mind me posting in your board but I wanted to ask you for a favor <3
          I am joining a writing competition, and the winning story will be the one creating the biggest buzz. Not really sure what that means >.<  But I would really appreaciate your support in this competition ^.^ 
          You have time and interest to read, comment and vote on my wicked love story? Its just a short story with daily updates for the upcoming 10 days ^.^


@LegendsOfHimaya I am Grateful....I have Read Your Story....I Love the Introduction Chapter(Harry Potter Fans Would Know Ofc)...I Will Comment on it...But May I Ask Which Writing Competition!?


Dear Readers,
          I'm excited to announce my new book, coming out on January 30th. It's an enemies-to-lovers story that I can't wait for you to read.Please, Dont Forget to Follow Me for New Storys According to Your Fav Trope to Be Written By Me.
          Thank you for your support!
          Warm regards,


@Lisa_Srithikaa Ooh, I love enemies-to-lover ^.^