
I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has read my Final Fantasy XV fan fictions, or added them to reading lists. If they’re in your library, I thank you as well. 
          	“After The Light” has almost seven thousand reads, “Immortal Poison” has almost three thousand reads, and both are still being added to reading lists. I didn’t think either of these stories would’ve even hit a thousand.
          	They may not be the best, or even good, but I’m so happy to see that so many people have read, or are interested in reading them.
          	Thank you!”


I understand. I have tons of stories in my library as well. Thank you so much.


          	  I've got them both in my library for future reading. My problem is always finding the time to read because I normally spend my free time gaming or writing my own stories and stuff. Rest assured, I'll get to them at some point, and I'm sure they're really good considering they've gotten quite a bit of attention. Keep up the good work!


I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has read my Final Fantasy XV fan fictions, or added them to reading lists. If they’re in your library, I thank you as well. 
          “After The Light” has almost seven thousand reads, “Immortal Poison” has almost three thousand reads, and both are still being added to reading lists. I didn’t think either of these stories would’ve even hit a thousand.
          They may not be the best, or even good, but I’m so happy to see that so many people have read, or are interested in reading them.
          Thank you!”


I understand. I have tons of stories in my library as well. Thank you so much.


            I've got them both in my library for future reading. My problem is always finding the time to read because I normally spend my free time gaming or writing my own stories and stuff. Rest assured, I'll get to them at some point, and I'm sure they're really good considering they've gotten quite a bit of attention. Keep up the good work!


…Does anyone else feel nervous when they’re about to publish, or have started publishing a new story?


@May5696  Your words are very helpful. Thank you.


            I used to, yes. I was nervous to start posting my works at first because I thought I wasn't good enough, but I got over it when I realized that there's at least someone who will enjoy what I write, even when my first stories were messes lol. Now I'm mostly excited whenever I'm ready to publish something new. It's normal to be nervous, but if you're happy with the work you put into writing something, then you just have to push past your nerves and publish it. Sure, not everyone will like what you make, but that's normal and that's literally the worst that can happen. Writing should be an enjoyable experience for you, so don't let insecurities stop you. I'm not the best at giving advice, but I hope this helps you out!


Definitely needed a break from my more... “serious” fan fiction. I still haven’t continued it yet, but I am enjoying my new Noctis x Iris fan fiction that I’m writing.


            I understand. Sometimes I have to take a break in between stories to gather ideas and stuff, It's normal. Maybe you'll be able to finish those stories later on once you've given them a break to write something different.


I agree. I do care about those stories and actually want to finish them as a whole. I think my problem was trying to jump right into it as soon as I completed “Immortal Poison.” I have some ideas for it, but a break is definitely necessary.


            Aww, that's good to hear. Just write whatever you want, there's no need to force yourself to write stories you don't care about.


I feel like I should just discontinue my FFXV fan fiction, and overall, just get off of Wattpad. My stories suck, and I’m just not a good writer.


            You're welcome, and I understand. I hope you feel better soon, just take you're break time to unwind and come back whenever you're ready.


You don’t sound pushy at all. I appreciate your comment. I know we all have good and bad days. Today is definitely a bad one for me, where I just feel very drained. Sometimes it’s hard picking myself back up. I’ll definitely give it more thought, and more than likely take a break. Thank you.


            It doesn't matter if you're good or not, what matters is if you enjoy it. Besides, you're fanfics have a lot of reads, which proves that people like them. And even if you decide to discontinue them, that's no reason to abandon Wattpad. You don't even have to write at all, you could just get on to read, chat, or roleplay, whatever you have fun with. I see many people do that. Or you could simply take a break from Wattpad like lots of people do, then come back when you're ready. Not trying to sound pushy, but I just want you to think about it before giving up Wattpad entirely.