
I did a complete overhaul of the prologue of "Instruments of War." I'll change a few things before I do any more writing. I need to start editing my work.


ELEOEOELLELLELEOOELEOL! Thanks for voting for my story and adding it too your reading list. Espeacially since it said 'Naruto must reads' That is an honour bro c: I hope I'll be able to make you laugh or smile in future chapters! Have a nice day!


Your story is humorous. I also enjoy the way you write.


Thank you all for the continued support of my books, no matter how often I blunder off and am sidetracked. I'm actually thinking of cancelling a few (for now) and then I'm going to focus on a Fairy Tail fanfic, as I have the first season on my XBOX. So, if you wish for me to begin a Fairy Tail fanfic, tell me.