
I’m being called out by a book ;v;


Seph is on the run from a mafia leader Hades. She ran on the night of her engagement when he killed her father. 
          Hades will have her at any cost and he has finally got her.
          Enemies confine from all sides.
          Then there is a boy in the shadows.
          Night's have concealed everything.
          Read "Fires within Fires" to know the mysteries hidden and find out whether Seph will survive this abusive relationship.


this message may be offensive
@LiterallyJustCase Hey hi hows it going, Names Nexxie. Heard all about ya. Mkay so, This is gonna be long so strap yourself in and read to the end. Not caring about grammar or shit rn Grammarly so stfy. OKAY! so, I've heard all about you and your remus kin ways, Im a remus kinnie too and have been told I act like him, buttttttt. This isn't about me. YOuve harassed him, and badmouthed him and papa. YOu don't deserve to be called a humanbeing for everything you've done. Lying, Manipulating, Gaslighting, Guilt tripping is all going to end you up in one place missy. Trust me I know someone who acts almost exactly like you, You need some help okay? maybe go to therapy and work on your issues a bit, not that that will be a guaranteed fix but you can do better. Everyone can, including myself. But what you've done is unacceptable. Youve pissed me off because Hes my fucking QPP. and you've hurt and traumatized him and more then your fair share of people. Nowonder you're alone and have no friends! NOBODY WANTS TO BE FRIENDS WITH A FUCKING PSYCHOTIC BITCH. Im genuinely not a toxic person, an anyone who knows me. But when you throw this much toxicity at my love, my friends. Anyone I care for. Im gonna throw it right back at you. Now sit back. fucking think. This is his account to, he has every right to lock you out for being suck an insufferable brat. Learn that not everything revolves around you and grow the fuck up. THis is as nice as I can say it. Got any problems, fucking inbox me. Ill gladly argue in dms. BUT LEAVE DEE AND EVERYONE THE FUCK ALONE. I WONT WARN AGAIN. you're very lucky I cant find where you live right now or id scare the living shit out of you. Now, I hope you have a horrible day. and there's a special place in tartarus for you! dads making sure of it himself!
           Sincerely, a very pissed off demigod, ~Nexxie


Posted it here since youll most likely see it quicker :) instead of literally lying haha


Me: Are we gonna have a problem?
          My mum: Yes
          Me: Do you got a bone to pick?
          Mum: Yes
          Me: You've come so far why now are you pulling on my dick
          Mum: You don't have a dick
          Me: I'd normally slap your face off
          Mum: I'd like to see you try
          And everyone here could watch. But I'm feeling nice, here's some advice, liSTEN UP BIATCH
          Mum: *Tired sigh*


@The_Lying_King Bet my mother's proud of what she raised


So um
          I could have just died.
          And my dog would have definitely died if I didn't go downstairs
          My wonderful mother accidentally left the oven on. Until 4 am. 
          So I'm a little mad right now-
          Chloe is safe btw, she's with me in my room and I have my window open in case the oven was gas. I'll check up on her constantly before I go to sleep