
Algebra is draining me


Someone help me I'm trying to write M/M lemon for my sanscest oneshot book but I've never writen M/M lemon before 


@s1utty_k1ng sorry but if it's no trouble once they come online can you help them?


@LiterallyMy3rdAcc still can't help l have never wrote smut in my life


Vent ig
          So starvation has always been kind of a  thing for me. In 4th grade I starved myself for a week because I liked the feeling of being hungry, In 6th grade I starved myself for a week to feel valid. This year something a bit different happened, but fundamentally it was the same. In early January of 2023 I developed Bulimia. Basically I would make myself throw up whenever I ate, it was kinda about my weight, but also about controlling what I could when things felt out of control. My rule was, if I failed to vomit, I wouldn't eat for 2 days. At some time I didn't do that for a while and just let it slip by. So at one point I was like, "Okay I missed a while, so I just will starve myself for a week to make up for it!" But it ended up not just being a week, because that was a month ago, and I haven't stopped yet. And it just kinda got worse from there. The only reason I ate today was because we had family dinner and I had to eat, if I didn't then I would've gone the whole day with only gum and Monster. I'm not really looking to get better at the moment but just needed to vent a bit.


@breadthedead I doubt that I'll die from it anytime soon. It's really only been a month and I still do eat


@LiterallyMy3rdAcc since your not looking to get better at the moment all l can hope for us for you to not die
            Stay alive ish man 


Lol something happened last week and I meant to tell you guys, But I kept forgetting. So last week I worked up the courage to tell my crush I like him, and he said he likes me back! So we decided to get together! Sense he recently moved 30 minutes away we're long distance currently, but we still text everyday. I really hope this works out for us


@LiterallyMy3rdAcc I really hope it works out for you too! 


There was this FGOD Error fic I read a long time ago that I really enjoyed. It was where Ink created a blank au with just a flower to trick Error into going to destroy it and then all the star sanses and their allies ambushed error and captured him and over time some of them noticed Error acting odd (Like when Sci picked up Error's unconscious body and noticed he was concerningly light, or when someone was wathing Error in his cell and saw him ripping strings off his fingers causing him to bleed) eventually it got revieled that he was forced and I can't remember what happened next. I think it had like 13 - 18 chapters. Does anyone know what fic I'm talking about? I'd really like to read it again.


@LiterallyMy3rdAcc omg l've read that just my Stoopid ass brain doesn't remember titles