
Kraven The Hunter. A complete disaster. More than that. And I had been looking forward to it for almost two years. So much for being able to write a story about it.


All recent updates
          > 'all the things we hide': Part I with 15 chapters.
          > 'Havoc': Prologue and introduction
          > 'firework': Chapter 11
          Alle Updates der letzten Zeit
          > 'all the things we hide': Part I mit 15 Kapiteln.
          > 'Havoc': Prolog und Einleitung
          > 'firework': Kapitel 11


Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this bad feeling, even though I know that what I'm doing is the right thing and that others are telling me it's right?
          It's been breaking my heart for weeks that my monster doesn't get to play much anymore because the dogs she used to play with only bite her ears and tug at them. Try explaining to a dog that it can play but has to leave as soon as number three comes along.
          How do you get rid of it? She must believe that she is no longer allowed to do anything and that I want to deprive her of all joy.


"All the things we hide" is out now.
          The smaller the city, the more people know each other. Or rather. Everybody "knows" everybody. As soon as something happens, changes or seems unusual, the gossip starts. Gossip here, rumors there, and the real truth gets lost somewhere in between. Something Kiara never wanted to know and had been spared for decades.
          Je kleiner der Ort, desto eher kennt man sich. Besser gesagt. Jeder "kennt" jeden. Sobald etwas geschieht, sich etwas ändert oder ungewöhnlich erscheint, beginnt das Gerede. Lästern hier, Gerüchte dort und bei all dem, geht die tatsächlich Wahrheit irgendwo dazwischen verloren. Etwas, wovon Kiara nie etwas wissen wollte und Jahrzehnte, verschont geblieben war.


There's nothing scarier than finding old stories. Just found my old Vampire Diaries story and it was.... wow. It's like traveling back in time and it brings back memories of when you wrote them.
          Is it just me?


@ Little7Seven  I know exactly what you mean, only that I don't find the stories on any digital hard drives, but in my brain 