
          	Any advice?


Hey guys so I wanna say this now to get it out of the way.
          My number one question asked is:
          "Hey Shade, are you a guy or a girl?"
          Ok. Let me say this once-
          I'm what you call gender neutral 
          I don't feel like a guy or a girl. (Though I was born a girl)
          Personally gender doesn't bother me.
          I've been told I act like a girl
          And that I act like a guy so I just gave up. So there I'm gender neutral. 
          That doesn't mean you call me "it"
          You can say he or she u don't care. Though I use the girls bathroom to avoid controversy but that's beside the point. And before you ask I'm not bi, pansexual, gay, again in neutral. I don't care to date anyone. I don't like like anyone either and don't plan to for a while so yeah there's your answer.


What would you do if I fell apart? If I gave up? Just walked away from everything? I want to. I don't want to hurt anymore. There's too much pain. I wanna break. I wanna leave. The world hates me; I hate it. I just wanna wake up from this nightmare. But it's hard to wake up if your not asleep. Please just let me break into pieces. Let everyone continue to step in the shards that have already fallen. I just want to.........