
          	for those of you reading transgender in japanese to learn japanese, i would like to announce this.
          	until now, i may have been translating the original pretty directly, but from now on i'll be taking more of a creative freedom when it comes to translation. if the original sentence doesn't make sense in japanese or it is just weird i won't be translating  it. also, since i don't read japanese novels i'm not certain of the conventions in writing and i'll be doing it the way i want, because i'm doing this for self-satisfaction. if you would like to read proper japanese with all the correct conventions i recommend buying an actual novel in japanese


          for those of you reading transgender in japanese to learn japanese, i would like to announce this.
          until now, i may have been translating the original pretty directly, but from now on i'll be taking more of a creative freedom when it comes to translation. if the original sentence doesn't make sense in japanese or it is just weird i won't be translating  it. also, since i don't read japanese novels i'm not certain of the conventions in writing and i'll be doing it the way i want, because i'm doing this for self-satisfaction. if you would like to read proper japanese with all the correct conventions i recommend buying an actual novel in japanese


          updated the transgender translation for the first time in 2 years,,, again, i know that no one is reading this but i'm going to continue it as a practice of my japanese writing skills, and so it'll be all for my self-satisfaction. but thank you for those still reading!


Mass update on my translation story (トランズジェンダー) so if anyone reads it there ya go 
          (I mean ironically enough, no one living in Japan reads it so idek lol)