
*whispers into the void* 
          	Hello… anyone still here? 
          	I’ve been SUPER AWOL, I know, so I’m just checking in to say hi and see how you all are! 
          	Life has been pretty chaotic. I’ve been crazy busy with my day job (happy one year anniversary) and getting my editing business off the ground (if you’re on Instagram find me at @lindseyclarkewrites), not to mention being a busy mama, dealing with a few health issues and all sorts of crap the peri-menopause likes to throw my way!  But, I AM still here despite the radio silence. 
          	If you’ve started following me recently or are reading any of my stories, sending you HUGE thanks! 
          	To all my reader friends, I miss you and hope you’re all doing well <3 
          	I have 10 days off editing now until the new project begins 1st July, so who knows… maybe I’ll try and write something *shrugs* 
          	Sending love out to all! 


@LittleCinnamon I was told its less harsh than HRTs...especially for me and my health issues. 


@LittleCinnamon Something new is good too. I'm doing well.


@kleanBudd I did start something new but it might be a stop gap before I get back to the sequel of This Poisoned Tide. Hope you’re doing ok! 


Gday Linz, glad to hear everything going good, your friends and supporters are all here. 
          It’s great to hear from you after a while, I’ve taken a break from my current Wattpad stories as I’ve spent three years thinking hard and so on with them but will be back this year myself, I want to say again thank you for the advice you gave its helped a lot even though I’m quite slow at the moment, you and your works are always an encouragement.


@LittleCinnamon I fully agree, I can happily say I’ve got some new energy and fresh ideas for the upcoming chapters.


Hello mate! Good to hear from you, hope you’re doing okay! You’re very welcome. Writing breaks are totally fine. Sometimes you need that time away from it and when you come back to it, you’ll have a different perspective and new energy. 


Absolutely, your friends and supporters are all here.  Good luck with all of your commitments, and hopefully you also get some downtime for yourself. 


Hey lovely, how are you? Hope you’re doing well? I started writing something last night and shock horror I don’t hate it lol. I must have felt inspired by coming back here and chatting to my Wattpad friends :) 


@LittleCinnamon Oh well you definitely deserve a break. Yeah I'm good thanks, enjoying this nice weather. 


*whispers into the void* 
          Hello… anyone still here? 
          I’ve been SUPER AWOL, I know, so I’m just checking in to say hi and see how you all are! 
          Life has been pretty chaotic. I’ve been crazy busy with my day job (happy one year anniversary) and getting my editing business off the ground (if you’re on Instagram find me at @lindseyclarkewrites), not to mention being a busy mama, dealing with a few health issues and all sorts of crap the peri-menopause likes to throw my way!  But, I AM still here despite the radio silence. 
          If you’ve started following me recently or are reading any of my stories, sending you HUGE thanks! 
          To all my reader friends, I miss you and hope you’re all doing well <3 
          I have 10 days off editing now until the new project begins 1st July, so who knows… maybe I’ll try and write something *shrugs* 
          Sending love out to all! 


@LittleCinnamon I was told its less harsh than HRTs...especially for me and my health issues. 


@LittleCinnamon Something new is good too. I'm doing well.


@kleanBudd I did start something new but it might be a stop gap before I get back to the sequel of This Poisoned Tide. Hope you’re doing ok! 


Hey lovely! 
          It’s taken me a while to get there, but I’ve finally finished The Whitechapel Chronicles. My god, woman, you have taken me on one hell of a ride. Ive not cried so much reading a story in a while. The end of Savage Wings broke me, anxiety levels hit a new high and I was on the verge of full on ranting at you because I was panicking where it was going lol. But it’s all good.
          Thank you so much for bringing Megan, Harper, Garrick, Brandon, even Fenton, into our lives. Oh, and let’s not forget cute Lucius. 


@LittleCinnamon There was no way I wouldn’t see it through to the end, yes it may have been long, but a remarkable series nonetheless. You know I’m an avid reader of your stories and I’ll always be here to support your writing. 


Hello love! Hope you’re doing well. Thank you SO much for seeing it through to the end. I know it’s a bit of a mammoth read lol. It feels like a lifetime ago when I wrote Whitechapel so I’m always supper happy when someone finds it and still enjoys the story all these years later. Thank you for reading, it’s very much appreciated ❤️


@LittleCinnamon Hey author I just finished reading A Feast Of Souls. You truly have a great imagination and creativity to write something like that. I really fell in love with that book. It is just amazing and it really deserves to be published. Please do continue writing more such awesome books on Paranormal,Gothic romance. It's my favorite genre.Wish you all the best for your upcoming works.


Thank you so much for your kind comments and apologies for taking so long to reply. 


Hey lovely! 
          I’ve just binged the last few chapters of Wastelands and what a ride they were. I went from loving Tom, to hating, to loving him again. It took me a while to read it, apologies for that, but I finally got there.
          Sci-fi is not usually a genre I read, but it’s you so how could I not? Just like with all your other stories I’ve read, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I still need to finish Savage Wings and then it’s onto This Poisoned Tide.


@AshleyKalandras I don’t feel Wattpad is the best platform for the story. I haven’t made any decisions as yet so it’ll remain here for the time being. 


Hi,  I have read some of your books and they are really amazing, but I'm wondering if you do  any ghost-writing, if you would like to chat about it please email me I have a story that needs a lot of TLC and I pay per chapter.  


Hi Roisin, thank you for the kind words! Unfortunately, ghostwriting isn’t something I do, but I’m wishing you the best of luck with your story and I hope you find the help you need. 