Hello Author-chan Can you do me a favor??
Nanbaka variety x Female reader
Our novel begins with our sweet heroine boarding a ship to leave the orphanage and heading to Nanbaka Prison...
Definition (Reader): She was distinguished by an unparalleled, angelic beauty. She was very beautiful, like angels and God, and everyone who looked at her would fall for her and her breathtaking beauty, whether a girl or a boy. They would find themselves loving her obsessively and madly because of her beauty. Complete, perfect, perfect beauty. It's like a gift from God. Or a saint who blesses every place she visits. She was an icon of beauty, femininity and seduction Latifa was also the youngest girl in the orphanage. The orphanage was designated for girls, and they learned nursing there. She was very short, but her body was perfect and very sexy. She was perfect in every way, her beauty. Her appearance. Her elegance. And her work in nursing She was superior to the girls in nursing, which is why she went to help in Nanbaka Prison. She was so sweet as sugar and had a soft voice that made everyone feel ecstatic about her. And cute, rosy cheeks that look like mochi (everyone wants to touch her cheeks + eat them)