
Hello, loves. It's been a while. I'm happy to announce that Wildest Storms is back up and running with THREE new chapters, and more coming soon on a (fairly) regular schedule. My apologies to everyone who started reading Wildest Storms only to find that SOMEONE left it unfinished after Chapter X. I've had a lot of other projects going on, some writing-related, and life just got a bit more hectic. But I'm back to see my Elvish drama queens' story through to the end. ❤︎ Xxx


@LittleElvenQueen your stories are so nice. I particularly loved the 1st story tho. Its fun to see Elena melt the ice in Thranduil and how Thranduil is so protective and loving


Hello, loves. It's been a while. I'm happy to announce that Wildest Storms is back up and running with THREE new chapters, and more coming soon on a (fairly) regular schedule. My apologies to everyone who started reading Wildest Storms only to find that SOMEONE left it unfinished after Chapter X. I've had a lot of other projects going on, some writing-related, and life just got a bit more hectic. But I'm back to see my Elvish drama queens' story through to the end. ❤︎ Xxx


@LittleElvenQueen your stories are so nice. I particularly loved the 1st story tho. Its fun to see Elena melt the ice in Thranduil and how Thranduil is so protective and loving


Hi :)
          I really love your books
          I was wondering if you are you planning in updating Wildest Storms any time soon?


Hi! Awh thank you, I’m so glad you enjoyed them! I’ve been incredibly busy recently but I have NOT abandoned Widest Storms - I assure you more will come soon! Once I’ve seen through a major project of mine, I plan to return to a regular update schedule :) Xx


Happy 25th March, a.k.a. Ring Day and Lee Pace/Thranduil’s birthday! ♡︎ I have emerged from the depths of busy life to bring us a double update in honour of this special occasion: Chapters V and VI of Wildest Storms. Enjoy. 
          I know this current world situation is strange and confusing, but I’m finding that writing and fandoms are excellent ways of feeling at least a little better. Hopefully this lockdown period will mean I can actually live up to my word of getting chapters out regularly—and through this, bringing you guys little pieces of fantasy distraction that I think we all need. ♥︎
          Stay tuned, stay at home, wash your hands, read my chapters. It’s simple, really.


Hey! Ya girl is back, and not to make anyone jealous or anything, but she’s met Lee Pace, Dean O’Gorman, AND Aidan Turner at Comic Con!! Definitely haven’t spent the last couple days in total shock, crying occasionally. They were all absolutely lovely. ♡
          Also we will be returning to the realm of my precious Elvish drama queens shortly, as Chapter IV will be up tonight. Apologies for the long wait, I’ve been incredibly busy! But hopefully I’ll have time over the next few weeks to update more often. Thank you for being patient - like Thranduil, hehe ;)


@LittleElvenQueen Lee Pace? OMG he looks so handsome as Thranduil


It’s been a while... but I’m back, and I’ve brought Chapter II with me! Today we see a glimpse of court life over 60 years since Fíria and Fírion’s arrival, and it’s only getting more dramatic with time ;) Press the little star my loves! ♥️ Xxx


Book 3 of 3 has begun. Finally, after all this time, we’ve reached the year 3018 of the Third Age. The first chapter of Wildest Storms is up and ready to be read RIGHT NOW *squeals* so get at it. Press that little star and enjoy the start of one last journey, this time with the story focusing on... E R A I N I E L, a.k.a. the handful that is the product of my OG couple, Thranduil x Elena. Go give her some love. ♥️ Xxx


This is it, my loves. Darkest Nights is officially COMPLETED. Thank you so much for coming with Fíria on her journey! You can go read her final POV in XL: Epilogue. ♥️
          Wildest Storms will be on its way in a short time - probably after I get back from my holiday! I wonder who the main character will be in this one...? Xxx


So, I just gave Darkest Nights a double update: XXXVIII and XXXIX. That includes FíRiOn’S lAsT POV *sobs* because all that remains now is the epilogue, and it’s down to Fíria to bring us that. Go give them a read and press the little star - for Elena, our own little star ;) 
          On a completely unrelated note, my inner nerd came out the other day while I was doing my nails, and now they have the White Tree of Gondor painted on them. A little nod to Aragorn, who you may or may not see in Book III when it comes out... Xx