Hey guys and today i just wanna have a heart to heart.
As you know being diffrent from what your 'supposed to be' is rejected through out the world,and sometimes leads to awful things being done to 'make it better and stop it'.
The LGBTQ+ community and others who have been rejected by society,but also embraced.I my self am apart of it, and multiple people i know.I havent been born into a family who doesnt like diffrence or change,so i didnt have the need to hide myself.But everyone who is lesbian,gay,bisexual,trans,or queer who have been through that are hurting.If you know someone who is that and friendhurting,dont reject them or walk by them ignoring them.Go up to them and be that or just a person who supports them.They need to be confident in themselves to lead good lives.Diffrence is something to be celebrated and loved.And if you dont like it,go suck it and have your opinions to yourself.Have pride in yourself and surrounded by people who will love your just being you.If you need to talk or are hurting,text me or someone that is a good listener.Love yourselves and dont be ashamed.