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Donald Trump has been the president of the United States for four years now, his presidency beginning in 2016. Since the election of him, Trump has been a person who people couldn’t really decide their overall feelings for: Love or Hate him.
When Trump became president, I had the tiniest amount of respect for him. That respect demolished over time. A week ago, I had about 0.001 respect for Donald Trump, but, something happened, something he did, caused me to loose all respect and any tiny hopeful feelings about the president. What is it he did?
Well, let’s put it bluntly: he got rid of the law that protects wolves in America. (And a few other animals). I don’t exactly know why he did it, or what was going through that thick head of his when he did, but apparently, he thought it would get him extra votes if he got rid of the wolf protection law.
If you think about it, humans are more evil and vile than any animals. They’re the ones who kill animals for sport, and they torture them. Animals kill, too, but they don’t torture. And when they kill, they don’t kill because they think it’s enjoyable. It’s either to eliminate competition for survival, protect a family member, or get food. Humans kill knowing they’re causing pain.
There are many ways to try and help save the wolves. Sign the petition someone made about saving wolves on and your signature counts! Here’s the link:
I don’t see wolves killing humans just to become alpha. I don’t see them killing anyone to become alpha. So if they don’t do that, why does Trump have to? Copy and paste this on your profile if you agree, and sign the petition—don’t use your real name if you’re not comfortable (it won’t show up, though), just use your pen name. But please, take some action to protect the United States Gray Wolves.