
I heard of this account recently and thought it would be a good idea to give it a try. It surely does seem more interactive and welcoming than many other sights I've been on. I will be posting my fan fiction here, and hope that everyone enjoys reading it as much as I enjoy writing it! For anyone who visits my page and supports my stories, thank you. Truly, thank you.


...hey? I've just read "In Another Life" though... It's from other's account. Just wanna say that I really love your story, even though it hurts a lot. But damn- I wish I could read it from your account. Thank you, have a nice day.


Hello Author, I just want to say that your Fanfic "In another life" is really good. Thank you author for making this fanfic even though I cried all night, my throat still hurts. Masterpiece, it's a masterpiece.
          It will forever have a place in my heart.♥️