
I today is the day. You know, the day where MCR did the tHING. I probably won't be on today because I have a lot of cry and eyeliner to do and merch to put on so yeah. But anyways, ily babes. Today's going to be tough, but you'll make it through like the rest of us. Xo


bu mesaj hakaret içeriyor olabilir
Hey babe, I know things might be tough right now,  and I know that some shit may be going down with you right now, but you are truly beautiful. You may not know me that well, and I don't really know you, but you are beautiful. You are loved, whether it be me or your mom or dad or brother or sister or uncle or aunt or grampa or gramma, some one somewhere loves you. I love you. So don't give up, don't stop fighting, I know it's hard, but don't give in. Please don't, for me? I love you. 