
Jell-O, Cream-O, Hello!
          	Feel free to go through my Wall-O.
          	Just make sure you're not a Pedo,
          	or I'll pierce you're face with a Bolo.
          	Kidding Guys✌. Of course you can visit my wall anytime, anywhere you want.
          	Im planning on discontinuing, or rather unpublishing my first story "The Perfect's Dark Secret" and replacing it with what i think is a better one, but don't worry I'm still just condering deleting/discontinuing it. I'm currently writing a story but i know it will take time before i publish it (cause I'm seriously lazy AF). I'm still not getting any Inspiration to make me continue writing my story, but maybe sooner of later I'll find something useful. Just you wait guys!
          	Ok that's all i have to say for now,
          	Thank You all.
          	Signing out.


Just noticed you've given my story a chance. So I'm dropping by to let you know that I truly appreciate it and hope you'll find my work worth-it. Feedback and comments are more than welcome. Once again, thank you so much for making my day better ❤️


Jell-O, Cream-O, Hello!
          Feel free to go through my Wall-O.
          Just make sure you're not a Pedo,
          or I'll pierce you're face with a Bolo.
          Kidding Guys✌. Of course you can visit my wall anytime, anywhere you want.
          Im planning on discontinuing, or rather unpublishing my first story "The Perfect's Dark Secret" and replacing it with what i think is a better one, but don't worry I'm still just condering deleting/discontinuing it. I'm currently writing a story but i know it will take time before i publish it (cause I'm seriously lazy AF). I'm still not getting any Inspiration to make me continue writing my story, but maybe sooner of later I'll find something useful. Just you wait guys!
          Ok that's all i have to say for now,
          Thank You all.
          Signing out.