
I took down one of my books because I didn't have a love for the book anymore and I never finished it. I never truly got past chapter 4. I do have a "fanfiction" coming in the future. It's going to be a BioShock book. But as of now I'm actually sitting down and trying to write my own original book and then I'll post it here if I truly finish it. I'll give you updates as I go along!


I took down one of my books because I didn't have a love for the book anymore and I never finished it. I never truly got past chapter 4. I do have a "fanfiction" coming in the future. It's going to be a BioShock book. But as of now I'm actually sitting down and trying to write my own original book and then I'll post it here if I truly finish it. I'll give you updates as I go along!


You know what I really hate? When you think you have a best friend and she ends up constantly getting the wrong. You give her way to many chances, and you finally drop her. You stop being her friend, then she keeps on glaring at you and asking YOUR friends why you're mad at her. I understand if she truly doesn't know and she's curious, but I send a long message to another friend I dropped practically telling her every single reason why I'm mad at those two and she acts like she didn't read it. Yet I know she did because she replied to my comment on my email. Is it just me or is that really stupid and low of her? She's trying to take low blows at me and it's not cool. I don't want to be her friend, it's not like the end of the world.


I'm thinking about getting tattoo's when I turn 18. I'm thinking of sleeves, an ankle, and back. With my back it would be angle wigs (man it's going to hurt like a son of a gun), for my left arm I'm thinking of having "Live" written on my wrist and have flowers branching out of it, withered and decaying flower's first and it working up to big and colorful flowers. Then for my ankle it's going to be my mom and dad's names...what should my right arm be? I'm thinking mythical creatures...but I don't know if this will look stupid together or what...the ankle and left arm are happening for sure...the back I want...and the right arm...I don't freaking know what to do with it that won't look stupid. Some one help!?