
I know I just came back to finish Phantom Files—oops, spoiler—but I have to leave again for the next  two weeks. Death in the family. Maybe I won’t even post for a month after that, I don’t know. I’m still out of it right now but I’ll give a heads up if I actually am abandoning this story by then. Hey, maybe I’ll even let somewhat adopt it. That’d be good.


@LittleNightling take all the time you need , I hope that you get bette.


Hi I am sorry about your family life must have been hard I hope I am not a bother but I enjoyed your phantom files a lot I have never seen a story like it befor, but I wanna say I admire your work and I hope you come back to this story.


I know I just came back to finish Phantom Files—oops, spoiler—but I have to leave again for the next  two weeks. Death in the family. Maybe I won’t even post for a month after that, I don’t know. I’m still out of it right now but I’ll give a heads up if I actually am abandoning this story by then. Hey, maybe I’ll even let somewhat adopt it. That’d be good.


@LittleNightling take all the time you need , I hope that you get bette.